Articles from March, 2014

And Now for the Real Health-Care Reform

Barron's Online  |  March 29, 2014

Category: Healthcare, Portfolio Companies, Sector Specific

About half of all Americans, roughly 165 million people, receive health insurance sponsored by their employers. Shifting workers and their families to private exchanges amounts to the biggest change in the delivery and purchase of health benefits in the post-World …

One in 25 patients has an infection acquired during hospital stay, CDC says

The Washington Post  |  March 26, 2014

Category: Healthcare, Portfolio Companies, Sector Specific

One in 25 patients in U.S. hospitals has an infection acquired as part of his or her care despite modest progress in controlling those pathogens inside medical facilities, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wednesday in its most …

The Power and Opportunity that is Medical Tourism, International and Domestic

Corporate Wellness Magazine  |  March 24, 2014

Category: General, Healthcare, Portfolio Companies, Sector Specific

The good news is that those who have made medical tourism more than an afterthought, but instead a reality are finding an innovative path to sound, inexpensive care that has left them healthy and happy.

Know the Do’s and Don’ts of Pitch Preparation

Austin Business Journal  |  March 21, 2014

Category: Healthcare, TEXO GP Publications, Venture Capital

No plan survives first contact. This cautionary advice, conceptualized by German Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke the Elder in the 19th Century, is passed down to just about everyone who serves in the military. Von Moltke thought it was paramount …

Ortho Kinematics Reports Strong Surgeon Uptake of VMA Spine Diagnostic Services

Yahoo! Finance  |  March 4, 2014

Category: Healthcare, Portfolio Companies, Sector Specific

Ortho Kinematics‚ Inc. (OKI), a privately held healthcare diagnostic company focused on spine imaging informatics, announced achieving the milestone of having tested over 1,000 patients with the Vertebral Motion Analysis (VMA) system, which was commercially launched on a limited scale …

Reshaping Healthcare

Towers Watson Report  |  March 1, 2014

Category: General, Healthcare, Portfolio Companies, Sector Specific

The 18th Annual Towers Watson/National Business Group on Health Employer Survey on Purchasing Value in Health Care tracks employers’ strategies and practices to provide and manage health benefits — and the results of their efforts.